a monthly imprisonment
by huda shah
runs like ink
into my fingertips
I scrub until my fingers feel raw
how could
such a natural phenomenon
such a virgin manifestation
be banned
from everyday existence
spoken about in
hushed whispers
silent stares
vigorous nudges
the men can not know
how can I hide
such a part of me
that i was thrust upon
I did not ask
to expel blood
every month
be shamed
all the same
so far out of my control
shall I be victimized
a circumstance most bizarre
the pain
along with the bleeding embrace
keeps me up at night
I watch my brother sleep luxuriously
of the mute struggle
that banishes me
a week every month
like a recluse
solidarity to the highest order
I refuse to
engage in
such an act of exclusion
I speak loudly
of my worries troubles and pain
look in my eyes
when I describe the process
I’m tearing off the tape
bound tight across my lips
speak up